Clever person no. 1: chap called Iain Tait. He's introduced me to the ten commandments of digital planning which I intend to religiously live by. This type of advice is surprisingly difficult to come by. Digital planning

Clever person no. 2: Peter McCormack because he showed me how much I understand about digital marketing and where to go to find more. His demystifying powers are nearly magical.
McCormack Morrison

Clever person no. 3: David Armando. From what I read he's a man that consults on digital marketing. I am a Digital Migrant David, not a Native but I want to pass my citizenship test with flying colours. His post explains what I should do for total 101 immersion.
Digital immersion in 2007
Worried that his post maybe a little out of date? Not according to Sir Sorrell. And I must admit that I agree.
Sir Sorrell's future

Clever person no. 4: Chris Voss
This bod is a Social media guru. Now he has shown me exactly how interdependent the digital world is. I studied cybernetics and Systems Science at university. Perhaps we could have a chat one day?
Chris Voss' tweets
I know there are thousands of opinion formers out there but these are the few I have come across. To those few, I thank you. I hope my links bring Google crawlers scuttling in your direction.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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