An unassuming account planner finding their way in the digital world
Why this blog?
Realising that I am going to be pulling from several sources who know what they are talking about and that there must be other planners out there in my shoes, I thought it would be worth blogging what I find. At the very least it's a good place to pull together everything for me. Without this I have a strange feeling that I will be as redundant as the banker who said 'yes buying another bank's bad debt is a really good idea'; wish me luck.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
The first Christmas decs are appearing - a milestone for my FB timeline?
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Too little too late from Intel?
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Intel's answer to tablets. Has an air of MacAir about it.
Monday, 30 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
45,000 Indians a day join social media networks
Friday, 27 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
It's computing Jim, but not as we know it

Sent from my iPad
Glittery Apple scented bikini-line wax strips?

Apple fragrant, glittery mustache and bikini-line wax strips. What were Nair thinking? Yes the strips actually smell and sparkle. What do you think the R&D department - who I can only assume are two guys in white coats - were doing when they came up with this idea. I reckon the conversation went something like this:
“Okay, the guys in product marketing have said that we have to stand out on the shelf, so what are we going to do?”
“How about making the wax more effective?”
“Nah - anyone can claim that.”
“How about making the strips curved so that it fits around the lips and delicates better?”
“Nah - that will mean changing machinery.”
“How about making the wax easier to peel off so we increase comfort?”
“Nah - we’ve been trying to do that for years.”
“Okay smart Alec, you come up with something.”
“We’re going really blue sky thinking here, right?”
“Thinking out of the box and off the shelves right.”
“Hah, see what you did there. Yes.”
“Okay, why don’t we make the wax green, smell of apples and sparkle?”
“Hmmmm… and the benefit to the women buying such a product is what exactly?”
“Screw them, that’s marketing’s problem. They wanted something that would stand out on the shelf and now they’ve got it.”
Digital Meditation